Integrated Pest Management
A method of controlling pests that uses a variety of techniques instead of just pesticides. Identifying the damage, pests involved, monitoring surrounding areas, choosing treatment options and evaluating the results

Rodents - Most commonly thought of as mice or rats, rodents can also include moles, voles (a burrowing mouse species), chipmunks, squirrels, etc. A preventative maintenance practice is to plug all exterior cracks, crevices or holes in the diameter size of a "10 cent dime" as mice can squeeze through these areas. Keep garbage picked up inside and out. It is also wise to keep your lawn mowed at a minimum of 3 inches as anything taller encourages rodent traffic. If you are seeing mole activity, you most certainly have a grub problem in your lawn and should address that quickly before it gets out of hand.

Spiders - Controlling other pests eliminates a spider's food source. De-humidifiers in living areas and basements, remove moisture from the air. Spiders are more apt to congregate in high moisture settings.

Ants - Keep the interior and exterior of your home clean. Food tightly stored away, crumbs cleaned up. It is also a good practice to keep garbage sealed and taken outside to an exterior dumpster regularly. Ants are drawn to these temptations. Keep cracks in driveways, sidewalks and home foundations sealed as it is mentioned above, ants like to nest in these areas.

Flies - Keep food covered, trash picked up and taken outside to an exterior dumpster. Maintain pet litter boxes and messes as flies will lay eggs on these. It is also a great practice to keep your kitchen sink free of dirty dishes and drains free of food/debris as flies can enter these areas as well to lay eggs.

Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes usually stay within a mile radius of where they were born. The females lay their eggs in water, so it's wise to remove any standing water from your property to deter an unwanted infestation.

Rest assured, our customers will always recieve "The Gold Standard" treatment, no matter the species, there's a pest/insect control solution available here at Gold Standard Pest Control to eliminate any infestation of our targeted pests. If they're left untreated, these nuisances will multiply over time and continue building inside and outside your home. With quick action, we can bring the infestation under control and keep your home free of pests because we use a broad-spectrum of insecticides and pest control solutions at our disposal.